Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pictures from my first few days...

(View from my window)

(shop to grab a snack at Mimi's market)

(Me in a CNG-- a diesel powered, three wheeled cab)

(beautiful colors at Mimi's market)

(Snack time!)


  1. Love, love the fabrics at the market...my granddaughters would love the exotic silks! Not sure what snack time consists of...but it sure looks good! Just love the laundry from the windows...when I was in Tuscany my favorite photos were the ones I took of the laundry (except for the two elderly women talking while one walked her cat on a leash!) It is wonderful to be able to experience this year (in a very small way) with you thru the blog...many hugs coming your way!

  2. Jess, what is that delicious dish you were eating??

  3. Nice view from your window. And what did I tell you about the food? :)

  4. Love the picture of you in the three wheeled cab... You look like a character in Darjeeling Limited... The Dept. of Ed's not the same without you... Sorry for the ellipsis use.

  5. So the cab was the ancestor of the smart car

  6. These pictures are soooooooooo cool! I wish I could take a cab like that! And make sure to stock up on the latest Bangladeshy fashion!

  7. Hey Jess,

    I love the name of your blog, and the quote. Very Nice. The pictures are fascinating, especially liked you in the cab!

    Much, Much Love,
